When I tell you that internal communications tools, like Slack for example, can be used by unions to gather information that can be used against you in their efforts to turn your employees against you and bring in their union, it’s true.

It’s also important to point out that the biggest problem is not the communications tool. And, your leadership efforts probably don’t need to be invested in creating and enforcing new policies about who and how the information is shared using those tools, or determining if such tools can be used at all.

If you don’t have the best leaders and managers in place and your employees feel like they are being mistreated, taken advantage of or disrespected, the word will get outside of your company’s walls anyway. We live in a connected world with real-time communications capabilities and if it isn’t a tool like Slack, it will be something else that unions can use to gather intel on your vulnerabilities.

The obvious focus SHOULD be on FIXING THE PROBLEMS the employees are complaining about, not creating more rules and restrictions about the apps they use to discuss those problems.

Jason Greer, a labor relations expert discussed this during a recent podcast. Here’s the clip.

Here’s the link to the full podcast episode…


Here’s the YouTube video of the whole discussion:


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