As a leader, how do you handle bad news? Do you hide it, cover it up or lie by omission thinking that you’re “protecting” your people, work culture or business environment?

If so, you might be causing, amplifying and accelerating the anxiety, stress and drama you’re trying to prevent.

If you want a happy and healthy work culture defined by employee engagement, productivity and stability then transparency may be the missing link.

Here’s a short clip of a conversation I had with, Jason Greer, co-author of the book People Matter Most on that very topic.

If you want additional insights into ways to create a healthy, union-free work environment, check out the full episode:

Here’s the link to the full podcast episode:

Here’s a link to the full video on YouTube:


* Follow and subscribe to the Mason Duchatschek Show (Podcast) here:
** Apply to participate in the challenge, gain expert knowledge (for FREE) and earn up to $1000 worth of tools to help your business or department run better and faster without unnecessary drama or expense. Apply for the Workforce Alchemy Challenge:

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