How I averted disaster (barely) and almost lost a big client of many years…

The Backstory:

A new executive was hired from outside the company. He immediately wanted to make a name for himself. He was looking to cut costs everywhere to impress the business owner who was nearing retirement so he could position himself as the heir apparent.

Here’s how it went down…

New Guy to the Owner: Why do we spend money on pre-employment tests for hourly employees, salespeople, and managers?

Owner: It helps us with all kinds of problems.

New Guy: Like what kind of problems?

Owner: It’s a long list… employee turnover… labor costs… employee theft… work comp… sales.

New Guy: Yeah… that’s why I thought we could cut all that and save the company some money. We don’t have problems with any of that stuff.

Owner: We don’t. How do you think it got that way? That’s a big part of WHY we don’t have those problems. We’ve solved them, in large part, BEFORE they’ve occured.

Well… the “New Guy” didn’t last. The owner hasn’t retired and they are still a client.

It’s no secret that the core of my consulting practice is helping companies implement and utilize pre-employment tests and employee assessments to make better decisions faster about who they hire, promote, and develop. I care about that business owner and the well-being of the company he worked so hard to build. I know the impact a change like that would have made on his company. Fortunately, so did he.

The Lesson:

There’s no doubt that you have worked hard to help companies you’ve worked for make better decisions in your area of expertise. Make sure the right people know and truly understand the value you and your services bring to the table.

Otherwise… a simple conversation could undo everything.

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