Frequently Asked Questions

1. What will you learn from the training?
You will learn how to:
– Increase sales
– Reduce labor costs
– Reduce turnover
– Reduce employee theft (including time theft)
– Reduce workers compensation costs and improve safety
– Improve client retention
– Reduce risks of employment-related lawsuits
– Minimize conflict and drama that kills productivity and drives away great people
2. What is the cost of inaction, business as usual & the status quo?
Turnover: Experts say the cost to replace hourly employees is about 16% of their annual salary. The cost of replacing professional employees is about 21% of their annual salary. The cost to replace executives can range between 153% and 213% of their annual salary.
Do the math. Unnecessary turnover isn’t cheap and improvement translates into big savings!
Engagement/Discretionary Effort:
According to Gallup polling data of 6,976 adults working for employers, here is the breakdown of employee engagement-
Actively Engaged: 31.5% (enthusiastic, committed, productive, innovative)
Not Engaged: 52% (checked out, sleepwalk through the day)
Actively Disengaged: 16.5% (destructive, disruptive, hostile)
If you are like most companies, it means you are OVERPAYING for work and/or experiencing UNNECESSARY DELAYS. What would it mean to your bottom line if you could accomplish the same amount of work AND save 20-35% of your labor costs?
3. What are the advantages of being certified as a Workforce Alchemist?
This valuable skillset helps people who are certified justify higher salaries, faster promotions, bigger raises and job security. Certification identifies people with specialized knowledge likely to help employers capture the kind of opportunities and exponential cost savings they need to rationalize paying the highest salaries. You also get free technical support if or when it ever becomes necessary.
4. Why must everyone apply for the “Workforce Alchemy Challenge” up front?
The answer is threefold.
First, if we don’t believe our strategies and tools can help you solve and/or prevent a few big problems or lots of little ones, we’ll tell you up front so as not to waste your time or our resources.
Second, it’s because we cannot provide FREE training, FREE certification testing, FREE technical support and up to $1000 worth of assessments at no charge to every company on the planet. But, we do want to help as many as we can.
Third, people who aren’t willing to invest 1.5-3.75 minutes (on average) to answer a few questions about their business challenges aren’t likely to follow through and complete the 94 minute video training modules, much less pass our test with a score of 80% or better. We spend significant time and resources on our partners. We need to make sure we spend those resources wisely on companies that recognize their needs and the help we provide.
5. Where do I go to apply for the “Workforce Alchemy Challenge” so I can get access to the training and certification testing?
6. What can I do to increase my chances of being accepted ?
Be honest. Answer the questions. That’s it.
It should only take 1.5-3.75 minutes (on average) to tell us what we need to know to make a decision. CLICK HERE to apply.
Note: Companies associated with organizations we have pre-existing relationships with are GUARANTEED acceptance!
7. Is the certification test hard?
Like any test, it is hard if you don’t pay attention or learn the material. It also might be difficult if there is a big gap in time between when you finish the training and take the test.
Because it is a “True or False” style certification test, statistically speaking, you should be able to get 50% correct by guessing. That is why it takes a score of 80% or better to pass.
8. What if I fail the certification test?
You should probably rewatch the videos, take more notes and find the answers to the questions you struggled with when you took it originally. Study more and take it again.
9. Am I obligated to buy anything after I complete the training, get certified and use up the initial allotment of assessment tools I earned?
10. Are the assessment tools validated and legal to use?
Yes. The validation studies are available upon request.
11. Are any of the tools and/or strategies discriminatory?
As part of the validation process, the tools were proven non-discriminatory by age, race and sex. It was shown that they did NOT have a disparate impact on protected classes of individuals.
12. What’s the training like and what can you tell me about some of the tools we will have access to once we get certified?
Here is a glimpse into what some of our most popular assessment tools look like, what they tell you and how you can use the data they collect. Click here to check out the sample reports and a few of the training videos we have posted on our site.