Can you imagine someone ignoring a “Bridge Out Ahead” sign and continuing to proceed, at full speed, down the same old road?
That’s how I sometimes feel when I point out the “warning signs” of potential job applicants and hiring managers tell me, “Yeah, but …” and then go on to put their heads down and grind through the day because they feel like they have so much work to do.
It turns out, they’re often creating MORE work (and predictable disasters) for themselves, unnecessarily, down the road.
Pay attention to the signs around you. They are not always as obvious as the road signs you pass by every day, but sometimes they ARE.
Pay attention to EVERYTHING (background checks, references, drug tests, pre-employment tests, etc.).
Jumping your car over the river when the bridge is out only happens in the movies. In real life, and in business … not so much.
Don’t ignore the warning signs!
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