Do you ever wonder what unions do behind the scenes and under the radar to target and infiltrate companies and convert non-union employees into members?

I just released my SECOND interview with Jason Greer, a labor relations expert and co-author of the book People Matter Most!

Here are the key takeaways:

– Union organizers act as ‘professional friends’ to build trust.

– The stages of unionization include organizing, negotiating, and contract settlement.

– Social media is a powerful tool for unions to identify potential organizing opportunities.

– Salting involves embedding union supporters within companies to gather intelligence.

– Employers must understand their legal rights and responsibilities regarding unionization.

– Employers should proactively engage with employees to prevent unionization.

– Building a positive workplace culture can deter union organizing efforts.

– Employers need to be aware of the emotional state of their employees.

– Effective communication and transparency are key to employee satisfaction.

Here are links to the FULL EPISODE:


YouTube Video:

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